Sunday, January 4, 2009

Eight Events in O Eight

Emad started this here note, e-mail, blog...whatever way you're reading or sending it...

 and I thought this was a really good idea because I haven't done a lot of reflecting on the year that just past. I think I want to just forget MOST of it...
But here we go...

1. Coming out of our "cave" - In January not only did we get a landline telephone, cable TV and internet we got a brand new Apple computer. It was an exciting way to begin last year. We went from nothing to everything...
We're able to connect with everyone in cyber space. Annnd now we can watch (and DVR!!!!) Heroes [and other shows] & not have to squint through the blurry static that the antenna brought.
(oh yea and no more climbing on the kitchen counter to move the antenna that I put on top of the cabinets hahahaha)

2. Full-Time Worship Leader - Tim took the full-time position as worship leader at our church. It's been hard not having him home on Saturdays but I know it's a good thing for this position.
Just another day home with the kids like every other day. I'm happy for him though because he's able to set aside for himself and he started writing music again.
I just think it's a really good direction for him. (and us)

3. Major moves - Two of my favorite families moved and it was so hard to see them leave. The Adipietros first and The Schwarz's shortly after.
I have so many great memories with both families and even though I'm able to talk to them through the beauty of the internet I still miss seeing their faces in person.

The Schwarz house on Maple Ave was full of memories. Most of the major parties in my life took place there. Besides BBQs, and Holidays...I had a bouncy castle birthday party in 8th grade I think.
My sweet 16 was there, my babyshower... and my WEDDING. Even the trees that are growing in the front of the house remind me our wedding because they planted them right before to even out the front yard.
It's weird not seeing my extended family as often because nobody's house is big enough to fit people there comfortably. I'm still sad...

But on the happy side,

The Peters Family which is my sister-in-law and her family, all moved to NY. Now all of Tim's siblings live within 30-40 minutes of each other and that's really really cool.
Especially because there's many of them! haha I know it's only temporary but I'm really happy that my boys will be able to build a relationship with his aunt and uncle and cousins too!
I know how hard it was to not live where the rest of my extended family lived and feeling sad every time we had to leave NY. (when my dad was in the military)

And speaking of military, my brother went into the Navy which has been bittersweet. I wish he was home and around more often because I love him but I know that the Navy is a really good experience for him and I'm excited that he gets to travel.
He's stationed in California so at least he's not in the middle of all the craziness and I still can call and text him (for now anyways)

4. Personal - Some things that really affected me last year involves other people and are personal so for this I will not go into detail I will just write "Personal" and I guess how it affected me...
It was months full of pain, rejection, misunderstandings, anger, resentment, un-forgiveness, feeling helpless, heartache, more rejection.... and finally there was forgiveness and mendings.
It was definitely a hard time of my life.

Under this category I will write that I also watched others go through unbelievable things and it was hard to watch and not be able to do anything to help.
There was a lot of pain, and loss, and heartache this past year that people went through and I'm really sorry to those who went though those trying times.
I realllllly hope that 2009 has more joys then sorrows.

5. Apple Mama - My mom started working full time for Apple computers which cut our communication down by half (at least) And because of her schedule and how tired she was (and is) I didn't get to see her much at all.
It was hard because I could call her anytime and usually get in touch with her but now I'm used to getting her voice mail. I'm proud of her for keeping up with it even though she's tired...
but I was also proud of her being a stay-at-home mom because I KNOW how hard that is!!!!!!!

6. Mr and Mrs Jonathan Fowler. - I was fortunate to be the matron of honor for Laura Lee's wedding my brand new sister-in-law. It was stressful at times but the day was really beautiful and so were they!
I'm so happy it's official and that they get to spend the rest of their lives together.

7. Weight "Watcher" - No I didn't go on weight watchers but I was watching my weight...I'm still watching it but now there numbers are going up again ...boooo
I lost over 20 pounds in 6 months. It was exciting and I felt good about myself...I felt good about going to the gym (another day to get out by myself)
And I loved eating healthy. BUT I gained almost all of it back in a little over 1 month. Really not a good thing. But it's my own fault. The self-sabotage that I deal with won again...
Everyone deals with their stuff (pain, loneliness, anger, etc...) and this is how I escape... but I'm not really escaping because I have to face it every single day....again.

8. Lia Sophia - I got a part time job doing home parties and I loved it. It's at a stand still (mostly due to me...but I can blame it on the economy ha)
Last year I got out and had my own part of life not attached to the house or being a mom. It was being around other woman, trying on jewelry and making money....I really really loved it.
My last party was a really crazy party that made me want to quit...but that's a whole other story...I have to get myself back out there.

I know this takes time but it was interesting to look back. If you get a chance I would love to see what affected you or was memorable the most in 2008.
Happy New Year!!!!

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