Friday, June 20, 2014

Surprise baby boy

May 22nd 2014 4:39am 

Just woke up from a dream that felt so real about having this baby. So detailed down to weight & name. It was a boy which surprised us in the dream because everyone thought for sure it was going to be a girl & all we had were girls names. I was induced a day before my due date because his breathing/heart rate  was getting cut at different points & they wanted to make sure he would be alright. I remember being a little sad because I knew I could've waited another week without having to be induced & try & go into labor on my own but when I remembered why they did it for his safety I was so thankful. Nobody knew we had him right away and we just enjoyed being together the 3 of us (Tim & I with the new baby) I'm not going to write the name just in case we use it. Tim is not crazy about it for a boys name but I think it could be used for either if you pick the right first or middle name - it means "wise, counsel, intelligent"  The baby was just over 8lbs which felt so big because Noelan was 6 something but he was also a week early. I know there's more but I can't remember. I know dreams aren't always literal but every time I had a dream while pregnant it was always the same gender in the dream so now I really am leaning towards boy and I cannot wait to meet him (or her haha) I won't find out for a couple of more months but it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Either way I'm praying for protection for me and the babe and knowing everything will be okay in the end on a funny note in the dream, Tim said but he had a couple of girls names that I thought for sure we were going to use...I guess we're going to have more?!?! I said "maybe but I'm getting the IUD as soon as possible again so we're not thinking about that for another few years" hahaha