Thursday, July 19, 2012

17 Weeks

17 Weeks

Baby's size: Onion - at my sono they said the baby was about 6oz

Sleep: Pretty decent this week

Mama's Growth: No weight gain this week but I didn't take my measurements again. Oh well. I bought my first pair of maternity pants and packed away all my regular pants.

Food cravings: No specific cravings but this week has been crappy eating at the fullest - Chinese, Pizza, ice cream cake, popcorn, chocolate etc. This coming week is not going to be much better with all the out of town family.

Symptoms I have: Feeling decent this week minus a few headaches here and there. And in the evenings I feel my uterus stretching or whatever. It lasts maybe 20mins and it's not every day.

Doctor’s Appointment:
Sono Aug 16th
Dr Foehr July 31st

Movement: 3 times in the last 2 weeks when I was sitting on the couch I leaned forward to adjust how I was sitting and I felt like there was a strong kick/jab. I thought it was too early and I still didn't feel the fluttering so I ignored it. At my sono appointment they said it definitely could be the baby especially because this is my 4th. Still waiting for the full flutters. Last night I was laying on my left side and I was pushing into my stomach and you could feel and see where the baby or uterus was.

Gender: It's a BOY!!! :)

I'll post the story behind the name and why I've been feeling/thinking boy from the beginning in a different post.

Names: Noelan Chase.
Tim is second guessing the spelling but because he thinks he likes the look of Nolan better. And we'd call him Noel for short. (like Joel not the Christmas Carol)

What I’m looking forward to: Family Reunion, Sarah's visit, Florida Trip next month.

What I miss: A bunch of things.

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