Monday, June 25, 2012

14 Weeks

Baby's size: Lemon

Sleep: Still getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom but can usually fall back to sleep quickly. 

Mama's Growth: 2lbs and 2 inches 

Food of the week: I really wanted fresh homemade coleslaw and I've been having a hard time finding the right mix. I bought shredded broccoli slaw and then ran out of regular mayo and used the olive oil mayo I had in the house. Not the same - did not fulfill my craving. I want regular cabbage and carrot coleslaw with real Hellman's Mayo :) 
Maybe this week I'll find it and re-make it! 
Tim said maybe I'm on a vinegar kick because a few days ago the only thing appealing to me was pickles so that's what I ate the majority of the day. 

Food aversions: None that I can think of this week. 

Symptoms I have: 3 day headache on and off. I kept drinking as much water as possible and popping tylenol. Sleep was the only thing that made it feel better for a little while though. I hope it doesn't continue this coming week. Tim has been so helpful with trying to make me feel better and also keeping the boys occupied so I can rest. The boys have been understanding too and haven't been fighting. It's nice to have older boys that want to take care of you :) 

Doctor’s Appointments: 
This past Thursday I had a follow up checkup. Got my weight and blood pressure checked out. Everything looked good. Heard the heart beat very faintly and had to get my pap done because I didn't do it at my last visit. He said he looked over my medical records over the years once he got my blood results back with this pregnancy and said it was very strange because this time it showed that I am not immune to rubella which is not good for pregnancy but he's not too concerned because he hasn't come across anyone who's had it. When he looked back at my records it showed that every other pregnancy I was and then I wasn't immune. I think he said after this pregnancy I should get vaccinated for rubella. I then updated him with the appointment from the sono visit because he didn't get the results yet since I had just went there a day or so before. He was happy to hear that  they told me the neck looked good and hopefully I won't be getting a call back from there. He gave me the okay to go back to the gym as long as I don't lift anything heavy,  get my heart rate up too high and stay hydrated. He said no kickboxing which I figured. And then I made my next appointment for 4 weeks. 

Next sono is Wednesday July 18th at 8am 
Next doctor appointment is Thursday June 19th at 11am

Movement: Not yet (hopefully soon!!)

Belly Button: Innie 

Gender: Will find out 100% at my next sono appointment right in time for my family reunion!
Still guessing boy but will be excited and happy either way. 

Names: Noelan or Lily

What I’m looking forward to: My next ultrasound, my family reunion and that Sarah will be there! And having that boost of energy that I should be getting soon. 

What I miss: kickboxing (again) and feeling good for a whole week straight

Thoughts of the week: So I think I'm supposed to officially in the 2nd trimester now? My headaches have not welcomed me nicely haha. Summer Vacation is officially here for the boys and have brought intense heat with temperatures in the 90s and then crazy thunderstorms. We even lost power for about 60-90 mins last Friday. It has been really busy with all my appointments and school activities that I can't fully remember this past week. We did have a nice weekend with friends and family though and were able to enjoy some pool time so I'll end it on that note!

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