Monday, June 4, 2012

11 Weeks

3 Generations or 4 if you count the baby!! 

Baby's size: A Lime!

Sleep: The horrible nightmares are back. I am reallllly looking forward to getting to the doctor this week to assure myself that I am still pregnant and did not miscarry because my dreams feel so real :( I haven't bled or even had cramps so I shouldn't even be worried.

Mama's Growth: I don't know how many times I could talk differently about maternity clothes so I changed it to my growth. I will not be posting my weight or measurements or anything like that haha My belly area has grown a half an inch and my waist has grown 2 inches already! I had lost weight in the beginning of my pregnancy because it was hard to eat but I have found them and added a pound.

Food of the week: Chicken Divan! I kept thinking about it for 2 days and finally made it and was soooo happy to eat it!!

Food aversions: Nothing new

Symptoms I have: Nausea and I have gotten back together and I'm not too happy about that. Although honestly it made me feel a little better feeling "pregnant". My skin feels sensitive and I'm still so tired. Some days I feel like I'm waking around with weights on my eyelids. I'm mentally awake but my body wants to shut down.

Doctor’s Appointment: Thursday!!!!!!
The final countdown begins: 3-2-1...

Movement: Not yet

Belly Button: Innie

Gender: Still unknown.
My guess: Boy (there's a story behind this and if we do have a boy then I will post the story on why I've guessed boy)
Tim's Guess: ??????
Boy Names: Noel (rhymes with Joel)
Or Noelan Chase
Girl Names: Lily is our top girl name
No middle names yet
Can't wait to find out so we can look more and finalize it

What I’m looking forward to: My appointment & Tim's birthday still!

What I miss: Soft cheese this week. Mmm fresh mozz, feta & goat cheese
And this has nothing to do with pregnancy unless it's maybe my hormones but old friends that I haven't seen for a long time keep coming to mind and it makes me really sad.

Thoughts of the week: I'm getting so scared about having 4 kids and having to totally start over again. We are going to have our hands FULL! I'm beginning to see that if we weren't taken by surprise and were still waiting to start trying to get pregnant next week (after what would've been skydiving this weekend) then I probably would be making an appointment to put my IUD back in at this point hahaha but really.
Of course I'm still excited to see the beautiful creation that is growing inside of me and be in awe of the tiny toes and fingers. My ups and downs don't change my love for the baby and wanting to be assured that everything will be okay with this pregnancy. Tim is an amazing husband and daddy and thinking of that calms my nerves whenever I start to feel overwhelmed. I'm so thankful for him.

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