Thursday, June 7, 2012

Premature Baby Blue Dream

Just dreamt I gave birth to the cutest baby boy with beautiful steel blue eyes (prematurely) I started feeling him move inside of me as I went to the bathroom and I was scared to look under my shirt because I had a feeling he was out. I called my mom in to look for me and pray with me. He was indeed out but we weren't sure how much. He had a big personality. He made eye contact and it melted you. I was in love but was crying uncontrollably because I didn't know why and what just happened. We wrapped him in a towel still attached to me and I asked my mom to call my doctor. I just held my baby and looked at him through my tear filled eyes. I didn't want to lose him and had no idea what would happen from here. I knew the ICU costs would be tremendous and there was still a chance he wouldn't survive it. I kept praying and woke up.

Somewhere in the middle of the dream my mom was trying to help me name him and suggested a guy she knew in school who was very dedicated to his school work but also a nice guy. I wasn't sure about the name and don't remember what it was.

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