Tuesday, May 22, 2012

9 Weeks

I've seen lots of blogs do a weekly update with a picture and cravings, symptoms, changes etc. I kept going back and forth if I wanted to do something like that and today I finally decided to go for it. Even though I've been through this before I feel like I'm doing this for the first time. I wish I had done it with my others kids to remind myself how my other pregnancies were. Reading other people's pregnancy blogs make me feel normal even though I feel far from it!
No picture this week.

9 Weeks

Baby's size: Medium Green Olive or Grape. That seems huge compared to when we first found out and it was the size of a poppy seed :)

Sleep: Pretty decent besides my wack dreams about losing the baby and waking up to go to the bathroom around 5am.

Maternity Clothes: I've honestly had maternity jeans that I would wear from time to time even when I wasn't pregnant so I don't think my wardrobe will change too much for a while. I own a lot of loose and flowy things to make room for my carb loading belly that I made.

Food cravings: frozen pineapple, any other fruit, cream cheese bagels...well...until I ate them for breakfast lunch and dinner a few days ago and now the smell of everything bagels make my stomach turn :(
And all the things I'm not allowed to eat while pregnant.

Food aversions: Everything bagels haha the smell of BBQed anything and Summer's coming! Oh no! - but mostly chopped meat (burgers, burritos ugh stop no more) and when I'm serving Tim or the boys ice cream my eyes & head say "yum" and my belly says "don't even"

Symptoms I have: Nausea mostly in the evening, my intense sense of smell, falling asleep quickly as soon as I lay down. And my face is breaking out. Yay hormones...

Doctor’s Appointment: 1st real check-up with my OB/GYN is for June 7th at 3:00 and it can't come soon enough!
I'll be about 11 and a half weeks. I'll get a real due date & hopefully see the heart beat and beany baby.

Movement: only in my bad dreams because of the horror stories I read when I first found out of someone feeling it super early with an ectopic pregnancy.

Belly Button: Innie.

Gender: Still unknown. Guessing: Boy

What I’m looking forward to: No more nausea and seeing the heartbeat.

What I miss: Non-Vegetarian Sushi, Goat cheese, Feeling well, Kickboxing

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