Friday, June 12, 2009

Result: Philosopher.

I always take those Facebook surveys just to see if there's anything in the result that I can relate to. I took the "Who are you...really" one and I thought the result was pretty right on:

"You constantly analyze the deeper meaning of all that occurs in your life. You are on a never-ending journey to find your purpose in life. You are able to see through the surface of situations and the facades that people often carry. You are observant and non-judgmental. Your creative and thoughtful mind enhances your chosen and natural talents. You feel deeply and passionately about everything that you do. Your life is about the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and answers. You have a great depth to your heart and mind that some may find intimidating and others will be drawn to."

Just like this blog is titled and what I say ALLLLL the time "I'm a work in progress" ---> my never-ending journey to not just find my purpose but to reach the FULLNESS of my destiny. I try to be as real as possible and I like when other's are real to me. I really do try to be as non-judgmental as possible because I've been through a lot and I know we're all messed up in one way or another (as negative as that sounds) We're saved by grace...not by being good and "holy". I definitely feel deeply and that's part of why I can't handle things at times. I am passionate : ) About Tim, my boys, my church family, the youth, my friends, my large extended family. And I definitely would love to gain wisdom and understanding because I know if I do, then everything else comes with it (like Solomon) 
I'm pleased overall with these results : )

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