Tuesday, August 21, 2012

22 Weeks

22 Weeks

Baby's size: - Papaya. At my sonogram appointment they said he was weighing about 15oz - Close to a pound. Everything was right on track.

Sleep: I've been waking up with a sore back and neck this week. I don't know if it's time for a new mattress. I just bought new pillows to see if that will help.

Mama's Growth: I lost 1.2 pounds this week and I'm definitely not trying. I'm sure it will fluctuate back throughout the week. (or maybe when I eat pizza for dinner tonight haha) and my waist is measuring smaller as well. I probably should start measuring up and down like the doctor does at the appointments and not around. I think everything is just shifting and going to the baby. I'm definitely not dieting at all.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week and I can't remember my favorite food. Although I've been watching a lot of the show 'Chopped' and I've been wanting a few of the salads they've made. I didn't eat salad at all this week! Oh oh I remember what I loved eating this week!! I went to the Mitchell's House and on the way stopped at the local farm stand around the block and picked up a few tomatoes and lettuce so I could make Grilled Cheese - BLTs. For those who have known me for a long time know that I always try to like tomatoes because they look so good but never taste good to me. This time I figured I'd try again and it was soooooo delicious!! So good that I made a second sandwich and ate that all up as well! I think the key was the fresh locally grown tomato, & not from the grocery store. And bacon, hellman's mayo and melted cheese doesn't hurt either. Mmmm yes definitely my favorite meal of the week.

Symptoms I have: More heartburn and my back and shoulders are so tight.

Doctor’s Appointment:
Sono - It was another good visit. I was able to record the heartbeat for Tim to hear since he hasn't been able to go to the appointments. They did lots and lots of measurements. And took pictures of every part of Noelan's growing little body. My technician was awesome. She asked what my boys' names were and printed out a picture for each of them but on each one wrote either "Hi Josh" "Hi Caleb" or "Hi Evan" so they would have their own picture of their baby brother. We reconfirmed for the 3rd time that he is indeed a boy and I have more printed pictures for proof haha All my bloodwork came back good too and the doctor kept congratulating me on a healthy pregnancy.

We knew that I was a carrier of Cystic Fibrosis since I was pregnant with Joshua but Tim never got bloodwork with our other pregnancies to see if he was a carrier as well. That would rule out the chance of any of our kids having Cystic Fibrosis. He went last month to get bloodwork and we got the call a few days ago saying that everything looked good for him not being a carrier. I was very happy and relieved.

Dr Foehr - I have to call when we're back from FL

Movement: Noelan is usually most active in the evenings right before bed (probably because I'm sitting down and actually pay attention to the movement) This past Saturday night around 11:15pm I asked Tim if he wanted to try and feel what I was feeling. He laid his head on my stomach and pressed his hand on it as well. And sure enough he got kicked in the head haha He said that even though we've been though it before its still amazing every time. (Although it makes him think of an alien inside of me haha)

Gender: It's a BOY!!! :)

Names: Noelan Chase

What I’m looking forward to: Family and Friends in Florida! We leave early Thursday morning.

What I miss: I think I've been too busy to miss anything this week!

Events of the week: Lots of packing and prepping for our Roadtrip, outings with the kids to the beach and the park & Evan's Birthday! We had a very mellow birthday day for him. Started by trying to see a free movie in Babylon and even though we were 15 mins early we were still too late to get seats together. Evan wasn't really disappointed but asked if we could still get popcorn. I reluctantly said yes because I knew how much he loves popcorn and know how much I hate to spend $8 at the theatre for it (especially if we weren't even going to be seeing a movie) We brought the popcorn to Argyle Park and the kids played and ate while the sun was still out. I'm really thankful we missed the movie because we would've missed the only time to play outside. About an hour and a half later it started down pouring and it messed up our park plans for the afternoon. We went home and dried off and baked brownies instead since Evan likes brownies more than cake. When Tim got home we ate Chinese and hung out. My brother called and asked if we were doing anything. I told him I didn't plan anything but we were still going to sing to him if he wanted to stop by. My mom also called on her way home from work and detoured a stop so she could see Evan too. We sang and ate brownies and went to bed shortly after. We ended up spending time with different cousins on different days after his birthday and it was nice to have time to spend individually. We went to the water park and the beach and had a pancake breakfast the days following. Evan is so happy to be 5 :) & I still can't believe my baby is 5!!

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