Monday, November 10, 2008

Myspace to Blogger

I like to blog so I'm trying to 'upgrade' to a real blogging site. 
I'm not exactly sure how I like it so far but new is good . 
I think I'm going to try and put the myspace blogs onto here so I can look back and see my journey. 

And you can share the journey with me. 
Here's to Blogging!

I made a checklist on what I want to get done today and I'm already behind because I'm making and writing this so I'm going to really really push myself today and then 'reward' myself by updating this blog. And we'll see where it takes me. 

Stay Tuned...


JEWELIA said...

Hi Candice..Yes we all are a work in progress.

Donna said...

Remember, it's progress, not perfection. God loves you right now. Nothing you can do will make Him love you less. Nothing you can do will make Him love you more.
Being loved is a good place to start. We love you, Candice Rose.

MamaBearMary said...

welcome to blogger!