Friday, December 30, 2011
Top 10 Events of 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Yay I'm writing again!

When she was fourteen years old, she received a bass guitar for Christmas and began playing Nirvana and Green Day songs with her brother who played guitar.
At sixteen, Mosley was kicked out of her home after a fight with her mother involving the police, and moved to Gulfport, Mississippi to live with her grandparents. There she attended high school and joined a band that was in need of a bass player. She went on to sing for the band, and picked up guitar so she could write her own songs.
During that same year, she went through bouts of depression and had suicidal tendencies. "I lost my boyfriend, I lost my brothers and sisters that I watched every day, and I lost my drugs that I did. I really felt like that was the end," she said. "So I decided to kill myself the next day." After her grandmother forced her to go to church, Mosley experienced something supernatural that brought her to God. "My life totally changed after that."
"I used to be in a really negative band, and that seemed to almost fuel my emptiness because that's what the songs were about." After a while, she quit the band and began playing by herself.
Broken, Unbroken, Broken, Unbroken

a flawless performance is nothing to you.
I learned God-worship
when my pride was shattered.
Heart-shattered lives ready for love
DON'T for a moment escape God's notice.
2Wash me thoroughly [and repeatedly] from my iniquity and guilt and cleanse me and make me wholly pure from my sin!
3For I am conscious of my transgressions and I acknowledge them; my sin is ever before me.
4Against You, You only, have I sinned and done that which is evil in Your sight, so that You are justified in Your sentence and faultless in Your judgment.(A)
5Behold, I was brought forth in [a state of] iniquity; my mother was sinful who conceived me [and I too am sinful].(B)
6Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart.
7Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean [ceremonially]; wash me, and I shall [in reality] be whiter than snow.
8Make me to hear joy and gladness and be satisfied; let the bones which YOU have broken REJOICE.
9Hide Your face from my sins and blot out all my guilt and iniquities.
10Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a RIGHT, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
11Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.
12Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.
13Then will I teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted and return to YOU.
14Deliver me from bloodguiltiness and death, O God, the God of my salvation, and my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness (Your rightness and Your justice).
15O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Your praise.
16For You delight NOT in sacrifice, or else would I give it; You find no pleasure in burnt offering.(C)
17My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.
18Do good in Your good pleasure to Zion; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
19THEN will You delight in the sacrifices of righteousness, justice, and right, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering; then bullocks will be offered upon Your altar.
"It's been a while..." ♫
Since I could hold my head up high [I've been feeling beaten down and discouraged]
and it's been a while
Since I first saw you [I was thinking about God and the things I've experienced in the past with Him in real ways]
It's been a while
since i could stand on my own two feet again [Back to the feeling beaten down part]
and it's been a while
since i could call you [I had put God on the 'back burner' & was looking to everything other then Him to try and help]
But everything I can't remember as f***** up as it may seem [Most of the time I don't know how I end up feeling down]
the consequences that I've rendered [self explanatory]
I've stretched myself beyond my means [I've been busy and need to take a step back and figure out what I'm spending my time and energy on]
It's been a while
since i could say that i wasn't addicted and [food, escapes, depression etc.]
It's been a while
Since I could say I love myself as well and [I'm getting much much better at this over time, Thank God!]
It's been a while
Since I've gone and f***** things up just like i always do [never ending self destructing cycle I find myself on]
It's been a while
But all that s*** seems to disappear when i'm with you [you as in God and yes it's true even with the language]
But everything I can't remember as f***** up as it may seem
the consequences that I've rendered
I've gone and f***** things up again [Hopefully this is where I can't relate to the song]
Why must i feel this way?
just make this go away
just one more peaceful day [My prayer - even though I know it can just be an escape and not dealing with the emotions in front of me]
Its been awhile
Since I could lok at myself straight [hiding from everyone including myself]
and it's been awhile
since i said i'm sorry [Sorry God!!]
It's been awhile
Since I've seen the way the candles light your face [mmm I don't know God is 'light'? haha]
It's been awhile
But I can still remember just the way you taste ["Taste" and see that the Lord is good - blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him]
But everything I can't remember as f***** up as it may seem
I know it's me i cannot blame this on my father [Although I know I still have father issues I also know this is true - You can't put the blame on everyone else. Eventually you have to take responsibility for your own actions]
he did the best he could for me [and this I definitely know to be true about my own popsi]
It's been a while
Since I could hold my head up high
and it's been a while since i said i'm sorry
Friday, August 26, 2011
Perfect Storm Dream: 8/16/11

- Tom Zawacki Sound like some kind of serious storm is coming but "Dad" has everything prepared and ready for it. Fear not, your family will be safe and together.August 18 at 10:51am · · 1 person
Monday, August 1, 2011
Don't it always seem to go...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Stealing Moments
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Over & Over: The Song
People Always Leave...

In the middle of the storm, You are the peace
In the middle of the desert, You are my stream
In the middle of my mess,You wash my feet
In the middle of it all, here You are
Oh Lord, You'll never leave, You'll never leave
You'll never leave, I am not alone
You'll never leave, You'll never leave
You'll never leave, I am not alone
In the middle of my brokeness, You are my strength
In the middle my nothing, You are everything
In the middle of cry, You answered me
In the middle of it all, here You are
Oh Lord, You'll never leave, You'll never leave
You'll never leave, I am not alone
You'll never leave, You'lle never leave
You'll never leave, I am not alone
You'll never leave, You'll never leave
You'll never leave, You'll never leave
Oh my King, You'll never leave, You'll never leave
You'll never leave, I am not alone
Closer than the air that I breathe
Oh God You're invading my space
Closer than the skin or my broken frame
You know every word on my lips even before I speak
Every day of my life, God, is written, written on Your book
You know me, inside and out
You created me on my mother's womb
You never even thought about leaving me
Even in my sin, even in my darkness
And all my mess, You, You, You loved me
You came down from heaven, perfect one
Walked right into my sin
And with the towel and a basin
You washed the feet, washed the feet, the filthy feet
Only God, Who's ever heard such a thing
'Bout a King would wash his serent's feet
About a King would wash his servent King
Oh, What a love, that the God of all would come down
From Heaven above, washed the feet of the one He loved
He never leave, He never leave
- Jonathan David Helser: 'The Middle'
(Note: I read my aunt's status saying she was canning chicken, and part of that is to prepare for JPJ's 'perfect storm'. So I'm thinking that could have A LOT to do with that) But I still woke up and wanted to go to my parents basement and literally clear it out haha