I haven't been watching the news because it usually feeds the fear that is deep down inside of me but I have been hearing updates from family and friends who have been watching the news. We will definitely listen up tomorrow because that's smart. Just because I'm not watching the news doesn't mean that I'm ignoring what's going on and preparing. Tim has bought wood to ply up the windows. I'm in the process of trying to find a generator so that the food that I have stocked up doesn't go bad & if I don't find it, then I'm in the process of freezing lots of tupperware full of water so I'll have big one huge ice box. And through it all I was just reminded of the dream I had 10 days ago. Maybe it's not literal at all but I think it could've been a heads up to pray and prepare. So that's what I'll be doing. I actually feel a peace. If you need somewhere to go, let me know. "My family WILL be safe and together"
- August 18 at 6:33am ·
- Candice Rose Fowler Well to sum it up: there was a huge destructive storm coming and I was at my parents house with my brother, sister, Wade, my parents, my kids. I was watching everything get knocked around and broken outside and I knew that people were most likely dying because of the severity of the storm. I was waiting for Tim to get to the house from work and I couldn't get in touch with him so I was nervous. My sister-in-law came as well and as she was driving towards a house a huge branch went into her car. Even though there was much chaos outside we went into the basement and my dad have filled the whole place to the ceiling with food and water and anything else we would need. We could've lived there for years. My brother made a comment that he thought we were the only family that could have fun in the midst of something so bad and suggested playing capture the flag. We were also looking at the canned food and figuring out what meals we could make but looking forward to the challenge. Finally Tim got there as Dan was setting up capture the flag and I was so happy and relived that he was safe. We were trying to make a meal when we heard something besides the storm outside. It was this group of people who were out to destroy things and people and they were running away from getting captured. So we all (my whole family) ran to the basement and locked ourselves in it to stay safe from the storm and the people. And then I woke up.
(Note: I read my aunt's status saying she was canning chicken, and part of that is to prepare for JPJ's 'perfect storm'. So I'm thinking that could have A LOT to do with that) But I still woke up and wanted to go to my parents basement and literally clear it out hahaAugust 18 at 10:33am ·
- Tom Zawacki Sound like some kind of serious storm is coming but "Dad" has everything prepared and ready for it. Fear not, your family will be safe and together.August 18 at 10:51am · · 1 person
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