Sorry if it sounds negative...
Although there were many great things in 09' - the anger and pain comes to the surface when I reflect back. Plus I'm going through some stuff with my dad right now... Bare with me...
1: Family Meeting (1/25)
Rick and Kari announced they were moving to Texas.
Lots of emotions surrounded that day... honestly it was not a fun time for me.
2: Laura (Feb/March...)
Laura stayed with us for a few weeks - She was here for Valentine's Day and her 18th Birthday...
I enjoyed the time we spent together : ) Things changed much after March 1st.
3: Caleb's Surgery (4/21 & 4/26)
Caleb had to get his tonsils out. Lots of doctor appointments...& a crazy sleep study.
Had to go to the ER when he started bleeding a couple of days after coming home from the hospital. We'll be paying the medical bills for the next 3 years (no exaggeration)BUT He sleeps MUCH better now!! : )
4: Tom & Nadine (May)
They moved from TX to NY to pastor our church.
They show what it is to really "Live Love" I've been challenged and encouraged all at the same time. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for me personally and our church as a whole.
I could gush even more but I won't right now : )
I love them... period.
5: Youth Room (May - Present)
We finally got a chance to raise $ and renovate the youth room after many years of it being the same. I'm soproud of the youth group's hard work and their sense of ownership and creativity with the room. It looks great and was worth the many Saturday nights we spent there working!
6: Emanate (6/10)
I met an awesome group of young adults that I've been searching for, for years!
Jason had been asking me to go for a while and I felt like I couldn't until now...well back in June. I love them. I have a great time when I'm with them whether it's in a worship setting or just hanging out being silly. I'm so thankful to have a group of friends who are around my age that all love and are passionate about God. Sarah turned her life around in a matter of months after plugging in as well and I'm so proud of her too!
I'm also thankful for the friendship that was restored after years of not talking.
We picked up right where we left off and it's so great and makes my heart happy!
7: Jobs... (Me - Tim, 10/8 - 11/3 & Dad, Nov - Present)
I stopped doing Lia Sophia for good, Quit the children's church and felt so relieved!
Tim got hurt at work and was out for a month. It was stressful at the time but I really enjoyed spending all that extra time with him cause I love him a million! I was also shown that God (through others as well) takes really good care of us. There were a lot of times that I was angry and questioning why we had to go through it, but we got through it and I'm so glad.
My dad got fired last month and he's really really happy. I'm glad that he gets a chance to unwind and relax after working so hard and being stressed out for so many years...
I just hope he remembers that we're still important and the choices he's making effects each of us. God Help Me in this new year...PLEASE!
Tim had the opportunity to add two additional worship leaders with their own team members. The process was long but it just came into effect and it'll be nice to see how everyone will grow together.
8: Babies! (Lila Kate/Laura, Jill, Laura, Tricia, Anne etc.)
My new niece was conceived and born this past year and I love her so much! We also found out that I'll be having a third niece by Laura and Eric & Jill& Bobby are having another babe... I wonder if it'll be our 4th niece or our 4th nephew (and her first son) My friends are having babies soon too. One's having a baby girl and the other is having a baby boy. Babies are fun and cute. I kind of miss having one at home...but not that much haha : )
9: House (Painting, New Beds, Furniture, Rooms, Etc...)
It was a fun time of renovating our own place. We painted the living room and bathroom, got a new/used couch, built shelves in the bathroom and got a rack for over the toilet, had all the boys in one room for a period of time, slept on a mattress in the living room because our bed-frame broke and was messing our backs up, got a new bed-frame, moved Joshua is his own room (with a new bed and comforter) I steamed cleaned most of the carpets in the house, and 'de-cluttered' A LOT. I see a huge difference from the beginning of the year to now as far as how easy it is to straighten up. I still have much to learn and do but it was a successful year of getting things together. I hope to keep going with it!
... God, Thanks for getting me through this year. And thanks for blessing me incredibly this past year with the relationships that have been restored and gained. I pray that you would continue to take care of all my needs and help me grow and learn and LOVE. I love You and I'm looking forward to how this new year will unfold.
Although there were many great things in 09' - the anger and pain comes to the surface when I reflect back. Plus I'm going through some stuff with my dad right now... Bare with me...
1: Family Meeting (1/25)
Rick and Kari announced they were moving to Texas.
Lots of emotions surrounded that day... honestly it was not a fun time for me.
2: Laura (Feb/March...)
Laura stayed with us for a few weeks - She was here for Valentine's Day and her 18th Birthday...
I enjoyed the time we spent together : ) Things changed much after March 1st.
3: Caleb's Surgery (4/21 & 4/26)
Caleb had to get his tonsils out. Lots of doctor appointments...& a crazy sleep study.
Had to go to the ER when he started bleeding a couple of days after coming home from the hospital. We'll be paying the medical bills for the next 3 years (no exaggeration)BUT He sleeps MUCH better now!! : )
4: Tom & Nadine (May)
They moved from TX to NY to pastor our church.
They show what it is to really "Live Love" I've been challenged and encouraged all at the same time. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for me personally and our church as a whole.
I could gush even more but I won't right now : )
I love them... period.
5: Youth Room (May - Present)
We finally got a chance to raise $ and renovate the youth room after many years of it being the same. I'm soproud of the youth group's hard work and their sense of ownership and creativity with the room. It looks great and was worth the many Saturday nights we spent there working!
6: Emanate (6/10)
I met an awesome group of young adults that I've been searching for, for years!
Jason had been asking me to go for a while and I felt like I couldn't until now...well back in June. I love them. I have a great time when I'm with them whether it's in a worship setting or just hanging out being silly. I'm so thankful to have a group of friends who are around my age that all love and are passionate about God. Sarah turned her life around in a matter of months after plugging in as well and I'm so proud of her too!
I'm also thankful for the friendship that was restored after years of not talking.
We picked up right where we left off and it's so great and makes my heart happy!
7: Jobs... (Me - Tim, 10/8 - 11/3 & Dad, Nov - Present)
I stopped doing Lia Sophia for good, Quit the children's church and felt so relieved!
Tim got hurt at work and was out for a month. It was stressful at the time but I really enjoyed spending all that extra time with him cause I love him a million! I was also shown that God (through others as well) takes really good care of us. There were a lot of times that I was angry and questioning why we had to go through it, but we got through it and I'm so glad.
My dad got fired last month and he's really really happy. I'm glad that he gets a chance to unwind and relax after working so hard and being stressed out for so many years...
I just hope he remembers that we're still important and the choices he's making effects each of us. God Help Me in this new year...PLEASE!
Tim had the opportunity to add two additional worship leaders with their own team members. The process was long but it just came into effect and it'll be nice to see how everyone will grow together.
8: Babies! (Lila Kate/Laura, Jill, Laura, Tricia, Anne etc.)
My new niece was conceived and born this past year and I love her so much! We also found out that I'll be having a third niece by Laura and Eric & Jill& Bobby are having another babe... I wonder if it'll be our 4th niece or our 4th nephew (and her first son) My friends are having babies soon too. One's having a baby girl and the other is having a baby boy. Babies are fun and cute. I kind of miss having one at home...but not that much haha : )
9: House (Painting, New Beds, Furniture, Rooms, Etc...)
It was a fun time of renovating our own place. We painted the living room and bathroom, got a new/used couch, built shelves in the bathroom and got a rack for over the toilet, had all the boys in one room for a period of time, slept on a mattress in the living room because our bed-frame broke and was messing our backs up, got a new bed-frame, moved Joshua is his own room (with a new bed and comforter) I steamed cleaned most of the carpets in the house, and 'de-cluttered' A LOT. I see a huge difference from the beginning of the year to now as far as how easy it is to straighten up. I still have much to learn and do but it was a successful year of getting things together. I hope to keep going with it!
... God, Thanks for getting me through this year. And thanks for blessing me incredibly this past year with the relationships that have been restored and gained. I pray that you would continue to take care of all my needs and help me grow and learn and LOVE. I love You and I'm looking forward to how this new year will unfold.
I like! Good job summarizing!
Blessings to you in 2010!! :o)
You put a very positive spin on what for most of us was a very difficult year. You did a great job of not dwelling on yucky stuff- and it was not as sad as you think it is. I'm very excited about this coming year and what's in store for us in 2010- new year, new decade!
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