I'm sitting in the dark, in the passenger seat. The boys are watching 'The Bee Movie' and are incredibly quiet which makes sense because It is an hour past bedtime. It's been snow for about an hour now, on and off heavy. I already have a sense of how this trip is going to be...Loooooong! Although the days are going to go fast because we won't get to hang out with people as much. There's much more driving then visiting.
My trip started with me getting upset with my dad and I just kept thinking "no, please let this not be like this the while trip" We also talked about religion and more about his truck driving idea for a job. The boys really have been pretty good considering I feel antsy at times. I also feel like I have the smallest bladder hahaha... Annnyway. There's one more hour left and I'm so exhausted. My dads telling the boys we'll go in the hotel pool and all I can think about is how I want to sleep. Evan just fell asleep.
I was able to see what the hype of Chik-A-Fila was. Mmmm mm mmm!
I also tried the parfait there with strawberries and granola... Beautiful!
The funniest part of the day is that this past rest stop/gas/bathroom break - Joshua asked my dad: "Grandpa, don't you have to take a dip?? You've been driving for a long time." My dad was like "Huh??" (remember he told them they could go in the pool and Joshua will not let him forget it) Anyway... He meant "dump" not "dip" but then went right back to talking about the pool.
The scariest part of the trip... So far... Is that Evan opened the car door TWICE while we were on the highway. We put the child lock on now.
The door didn't swing wide open cause I was right on it but still. He's a sneaky little two year old that is beginning to feel like he's too big for help or advice.
Well I'm done for now. Again, prayers are MUCH appreciated.
I'm looking forward to getting to our destinations but I'm trying to enjoy the journies there.
Good Night!
(I'm doing this from my phone so sorry if the auto-correct on my phone and the tiny keys on this mest some of the words up. I'm not proof reading right now)
1 comment:
Candice- that's about the right age for the child lock on the door- had to do it with Michael but not Alex. Praying peace and fun times in the car. We used to tell stories to each other on long trips. You know I start with there was a man who and tell my ideas and then my sister would pick up where I left off.
Love to you and all traveling with you!
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