I can feel the judgment in me rising to the surface. Things I haven't even thought about in months...now right in front of me. Isn't that the way it usually unfolds.
So what do you want me to do with this God?
I'm still angry and feel there's been a lot of injustice within these situations...
Please bring restoration on every side. Help me remove myself. This is not mine to carry.
You are worthy of praise and worship. We are all unclean and 'unworthy' but you love us. You love each and EVERY one of us. My worship is no different coming from any other person. You love us. I need help reminding myself of that. I'm quick to jump and be like "pfft, they're not ready to love you the way I love you" ...but who knows their heart? Not me. I know nothing. You know everything. Keep changing my heart to align with Yours. Change my mindset. I'm so sorry for the way I act. Looking back, I can't even believe I feel the way I did. Who am I?
I'm Your Beloved... And so are they.
Hold them in your arms and soften their hearts like you do to mine.
You're amazing.
Hey Candice,
I can relate also when I see a lack in my heart. I think to see it is the first step to dealing with the issues. God shines his light to fill us where we lack. If we keep running from our selves we'll never cry out for the help we need.
Reminds me of frozen spinach. I'm sure I told when God spoke to me through that some time ago. "warm up to my love and the garbage will fall away" and "let them warm up to my love through you and the garbage will fall away." Keep receiving His love. It never fails. <3 you Candice. Happy New Year - 2010
Candice, I love how vulnerable, open and honest you are. Thank you for sharing your life with us, right out there for everyone to see. I think there are many people who deal with judgement; I am one. I know God hates that but loves us..and He is asking us to die to that and live to Him. You are making great progress in that. If you were not, you wouldn't have the courage to tell anyone about your struggles. Press on, Woman of God! Victory is your promise from the Lord. I hope you have a wonderful trip with your dad. Love you, Ginnie
Thanks for your encouraging and kind words.
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