I'm hoping to eventually blog about the each of my 11 days on the road - But today is a catch up day.
Clean the bathroom, Laundry, Dishes, Bills, Cleaning out the Truck, Confirm Appointments etc...
I was so glad to wake up in my own bed next to Tim this morning.
I feel pretty rested considering I went to bed close to 1 and woke up just before 6 a.m. I think I have car lag though haha.
Joshua's back to school and Caleb goes in about an hour.
It's pretty nice to be back on a schedule (and not in a car!)
Thanks to everyone who said they missed me hehe.
I'll post pictures and more details about my trip once I get a chance.
I'm so glad I went on the road trip. I have a great time.
The boys were really well behaved and I'm so proud of them.
A few people asked what my favorite part of the trip was and I definitely would have to say the time that Tim came down to Florida. Wednesday - Saturday: Disney, Mini-Golf, Playground, Pool and Hot Tub, Scavenger Hunt, Face Painting, Games, Family etc.
I'm so happy I got to hang out with Sarah, Sharayah, Kari, Laura, My Great-Grandma, Grandpa and Sharon, Tommy, Joanne, Hannah, Lia, Mikey, Laurie, Molly & Kate
I was bummed I didn't get to see Lindsay, Grandma D, Aunt Maria and Uncle Spiro and the Zizolfo Fam but I know I'll see them sometime at some point in the near or distant future.
Overall it was a memorable and fun trip and I'm happy I decided to go along for the ride : )
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