Our Love Story is not typical:
I had a feeling we were going to get married when I was 14.
One evening when we were having a youth meeting at my aunt Debbie's house, I had this picture in my head of me and Tim sitting at the piano and playing together. For some reason I interpreted that as we were going to get married. (Don't ask me why) At the time we didn't talk much. He played the guitar and I would sing the worship songs in our group and Rick would teach.
In 2000 we took a road trip to Washington DC for The Call. It was an event to pray for our country right before the elections. I remember there was a point to make a vow to save yourself for marriage. I stood up because I really believed that I would. I looked over and Tim was doing the same thing.
I began to become friends with Tim after we got back from the trip and I could see how much he loved God. I really liked that in him. I would talk to him on the phone and on-line. One of the times we were IMing each other he IMed me, with what he thought would come up as symbols (like wingding or whatever) My mom was sitting next to me and instead of seeing code writing, it said "Candice, Will you marry me?" Straight up in a standard font. I was like "mom! what do I say to him!?!?!" So she told me to say "I'm a little young for that" (I think I was 15 at this point) He was really surprised when he realized that I saw what he actually wrote. After that whenever Tim's mom would call my mom she would tease me and say "your mother-in-law's on the phone" I would roll my eyes and tell her to stop it. Right before my 16th birthday we started liking each other. Before this we had a history of talking and not talking when we got our feelings hurt. That continued on and off for a while.
Sunday Sept 9th was the day I celebrated my Sweet 16. I had family, high school friends, & church friends. I don't know exactly what happened and what Tim was feeling after that day. But Sept 11th, 2001 I went to school and of course everyone knows what happened that day...What I didn't know if that there was an e-mail from Tim waiting for me in my inbox. So besides the chaos of the day I check my e-mail and sent early around 4 in the morning was a message saying goodbye and I'd make a good wife and mother some day.I relaized that, that morning on the way to school the book I had given him to read "I kissed dating goodbye" was on the front step. I thought he was done with it and was returning it to me. haha and now looking back, I guess that's not the book you want to get from the girl you like. but I didn't mean that...I think it talks about courtship and what not. Anyway...He drove away that morning and ended up watching the Twin Towers get hit. He kept on driving. I was hurt because I didn't feel like I did anything to push him away (at the time) and it seemed out of nowhere because we had just hung out 2 days before. I didn't know where he was and if he'd come back. He finally got to a place called 'New Hope' (crazy right!) and turned around and came back home. I didn't want to talk to him anymore because he hurt me. We fell back in to the not talking stage of our 'friendship'. I did my own thing after that. I would ask my mom "Who do you think I'm going to marry?" and she would say "you know who I think" and then I was like "God is going to make me marry Tim!" and she told me "God won't make you do anything. If you do marry him, it's going to be because you love him and you want to."
Five months later (Feb 8th, 2002) in an isolated incident I ended up getting pregnant. Valentine's Day was around the corner, I was feeling depressed like I did every February.. boo hoo... no excuses Candice. Anyway, One of the craziest things is that we didn't finish. (so yes people out there...You can INDEED get pregnant without finishing!) It also doesn't help that I have a HIGHLY fertile family. When I told the person I was pregnant, he told me it wasn't possible... because of the previous statement...but I told him I was indeed.
We ended up telling his parents. And trying to figure all that stuff out. He didn't want to be involved at that time. But no matter what, I wanted to keep this baby - it was not an option to abort him. It was my actions that resulted in this and it was my responsibility. (This was in April)
I knew Tim still loved me but there was still no communication between us. When he first found out I was pregnant, he was really upset but thought we could work it out. I was really ashamed and angry at myself so I pulled away from everyone which hurt him again. I actually still carried anger towards him from Sept 2001. I had a couple of dreams in May and I felt like if I didn't start talking to Tim again I would miss out on being married to him. [One was about driving somewhere and my parents were going to the same place but Tim wanted me to go in his car and I didn't want to go but I ended up going with him and we wound up in the same place. Another was literal like Tim was about to marry someone else and I was so so upset that I missed being the one for him.] So literally overnight I wasn't angry at him anymore. I was sorry for rejecting him and putting my guard up. I wrote him a birthday card saying that he still held the key to my heart and the choice was his if decided he still wanted me even with me being pregnant. I attached the lyrics to this song 'Wait for Me" We met in June and decided we were going to do anything possible to work it out. We knew we needed to work on our communication. We agreed to be open about everything even if we were scared it would hurt the others feelings. We got engaged a month later in July. Two months after that we got married. Tim wanted to get married before Joshua was born so he could give him his last name. I had Joshua Nov 2, 2002 - 2 months after we were married. I finished high school at home the end of 11th grade and graduated early in 12th because I was in honors classes and had enough 'credits' to do it...

And here we are 6 years later! & We
still love each other. It's been hard at times, but overall really really good.
To make things even more 'un-normal' - The father of Joshua came around when Joshua was almost 4 and said he was sorry and wanted to be involved. So about 3-4 times a year we see him, his girlfriend, his mom and sister. I've told Joshua " Me and daddy made Caleb and me and daddy made Evan but me and the other guy made you"
I tell him that he has another aunt and grandma. And that he's surrounded by love.
I'm still not sure if Joshua really understands yet. But he will some day
Tim treats Joshua as his own because he was there when I was pregnant and during the birth. He is his 'real' father. He just also has a biological dad who loves him too.

His life is so valuable. There was never a 'choice' to be made. A person's a person, no matter how small!
Love Never Fails is engraved inside our wedding bands because that is what kept us going.
God's Love, Our Love for each other, Our Love for our family.
Love is really the greatest and most important things!
Wait for Me lyricsDarling did you know that I
I dream about you
Waiting for the look in your eyes
When we meet for the first time
Darling did you know that I
I pray about you
Cause,I am waiting for
Praying for you darling
Wait for me too
Wait for me as I wait for you
Cause, I am waiting for
Praying for you darling
Wait for me too
Wait for me as I wait for you
Darling wait
Darling wait
Praying that you will hold on
And keep your loving eyes only for me
Darling did you know I dream about life together
Knowing it will be forever
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
And darling when I say
Till death do us part
I'll mean it with all of my heart
Now and always faithful to you
Now I know you may have made mistakes
But there's forgiveness and a second chance (exactly what I needed)
So wait for me
Darling wait for me
Wait for me
wait for me
...And then our Wedding Song
I Could Not Ask for More (yes I know many people have this song)
I could not ask for more than this time together,
I could not ask for more than this time with you,
Every prayer has been answered,
Every dream I have's come true,Yeah
right here in this moment, Is right where I'm meant to be,Here with you, Here with me. . .
These are the moments, I thank God that I'm alive,
These are the moments, I'll remember all my life,
I've got all I've waited for,
And I could not ask for more. . .

1 comment:
wow, a really fantastic story. Tim is a rare find for sure.
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