Yesterday I asked Caleb to do his chore which was to sweep the floor. He kept saying he was done when there was clearly stuff still on the floor. After about the 10th time...I don't even think that's an exaggeration, Tim stepped in and sent Caleb to his room. About 5-10 minutes later he told him to come out and go with him because he was going to teach him a lesson. I could tell Caleb was shut down and Tim was frustrated so I was hoping things wouldn't get worse. They went in the car and drove off. Josh says "Dad's probably going to buy Caleb something." Evan chimes in "yea like a broom! Haha" I say "no, why would he buy him something when he wasn't listening and dad was upset?" About 30-40 minutes later they come back home. Tim had a Home Depot bag with rubber feet so the coffee table won't keep scratching the floor and Caleb walked in with an Air Hog remote stunt copter. Josh yells "Seeeee!!!!!" (He knows his daddy) Later on I ask Tim (and then Caleb) what they talked about/did while they were gone and they both said the same thing: Tim asked why he doesn't listen, Caleb responded that he tries but has a lot going on in his head , they ran Tim's errand and then Tim asked Caleb if he wanted anything. Caleb responded that he left his money at home and Tim said "it's on me" Caleb responds "I thought you were going to teach me a lesson?" Tim replies back "I am, I'm teaching you that even though you don't listen at times I still love you - I'm not rewarding you for not listening - I'm getting this because I love you and want you to remember that. Plus, we haven't spent one on one time in a while"
Those of you who know me, know that I think Tim is one of the very best dads I know. He's not perfect - nobody is, but I am so thankful for him and the love he demonstrates to all of us. Once again, Tim's actions & words made me reflect on God's love for me: Even when I don't deserve it, even when I don't do what I'm supposed to be doing or when I do things half heartedly, even when I tune Him out, he STILL loves me. He wants to spend one on one time & lavish me.
Matthew 7:11
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
(The cherry on top was that this toy was usually a $60 item and they got it for $15 because it was no longer sold in the store - yay haha)
beautiful story; great timing for me...God wants to spend time with me even when I'm struggling with being still. thanks Candice. sending love and HUGS
Just like that song I love "You're a good, good Father. It's who you are. I am your child and I am loved by you; it's who I am." Mercy triumphs over judgment. Amazing grace. Thanks for sharing this tender moment. God's love never fails.
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