Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Yesterday was a Monday. We all had a snow day - even Tim. So we went outside and began building an igloo (Tim did most of the work haha) After putting the kids to bed last night I asked Tim what he wanted to do. He said maybe we could play a game. So I told him he could continue playing PS3 and I would straighten up the kitchen and living room. (not clean...just straighten)
So I loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the table and swept the floor. There's still stuff on the counters that aren't put away and don't even belong in the kitchen and I guess I probably should do that at some point today.
Then I kind of moved things around in the living room. There's still clothes and toys in there, but the rug was vacuumed and we were able to set up a board game on the living room floor.

Tim suggested Monopoly because he knows I've been having a hard time lately with myself and the stuff going on around me - and I usually always win Monopoly.
We always do a quick play so we can actually finish a game. So we hand out 3 properties each - and you only need 3 houses before you can build a hotel instead of 4.

So here are some pictures of last night's game and the process...

Tim loaded with Cash and Properties

I had to mortgage most of my properties

And I had VERY little cash

To top it off I kept landing on this as soon as I passed go so that $200 I would've gotten went straight to Free Parking (yes we play the free parking way because it's so much more fun!)

Lots of hotels between me and Tim

I had to keep selling houses to make money to pay Tim for landing on his property...Can you tell I was getting annoyed with going from a hotel back to houses

But in the end Boardwalk won me the game! I had lost everything except for these two sets of places.

I win once again!!!!!!!!!

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