Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Shattered Pieces

My mom wrote it out so I don't have to...

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Shattered pieces
Yesterday at 4:35pm (Jan 19 09')
I was at Candice's talking to her as she was cooking. I warned her of the dangers of cooking with glass, because I myself, have had it happen a few times-the pan explodes because of the temperature change. So we're talking, laughing, as she sears the meat. I didn't know she cranked the temperature to super high. As long as she doesn't add water I thought she'd be fine.. but boom! We hear an explosion and glass goes flying into a million pieces. Chunks ,splinters,tiny slivers all over. Even far way! God knows how far shattered glass flies-even into the next room in hidden places. The reminder is there as it cuts your foot a week later although you thought you cleaned up thoroughly. (It's especially hard having 3 young boys-keeping them safe from harm while cleaning. But We did the best we could.) My thought was is this what happens to relationships when the pressures of life gets too hot? Shattered into many pieces- beyond repair- unrecognizable? Never to be whole again? I know sometimes we can put back the pieces of life and relationships when things break down but I can't help but think of when we can't. It's traumatic and sad and usually very unexpected..So for many of us who have had this happen- it sucks! Thank God there are those relationship that are authentic. The good, the bad, the ugly are understood because we are all made of the same stuff. Forgiveness and mercy extended and a desire for reconciliation and restoration. I think of my family. They are dedicated to relationship even when we don't like each other too much. There have been many friendships over the years- some deep, some seasonal, some kind of shallow but I learn from people. What to do, what "not" to do. Yeah , I think a lot and as many of you know I think out loud. So this is me thinking out loud...

I think I get my thinking from my mom haha. Anyway...when everything was said and done...I got a few cuts but nothing horrible. The boys are ok. I still am upset that I lost my dinner. 
I will be on the look out for those scattered pieces the next few weeks. 

What a day. I told my mom, if she wasn't there I'd be calling her up in tears. Totally overwhelmed and stressed. I was glad to have her and Sarah there to keep the kids away and help clean up the huge mess!

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