Today I spent the majority of my morning trying to figure out what we were going to do with Tim's car. Last week Tim called me when he got to work and told me he had bad news. My heart sank and my mind raced. This wasn't the first time he called with 'bad news'. Last time he was in an accident and had to go to the hospital. Thank God that wasn't the case again. He said the engine light started flashing and when he would slow down to stop the whole car would shake and rattle. Friday we tried to tow it home ourselves but the steering was totally locked up so we had to leave the car Tim's work shop over the weekend. It caused so much stress and frustration. For the past few days we've been talking through every option we would think of. We'd talk and talk and not come to any conclusions and we'd agree to take a break and talk about it more later. After doing this for about 3-4 days straight, today was the day we had to really really make a final decision. It can't stay at his job forever. Our first option was to have it towed to our house so that when tax time came, we could trade it in as part of a payment and pay the rest in cash for a used car. But after quoting tow prices for about a half hour and the lowest price being $195 we decided not to do that. I told Tim that if it was the coilpack like we think it could be, we might as well spend the $200 towards that if we were going to spend anything at all. So towing was out. Tim has been frustrated with the car because it keeps leaking water when it rains (which we bought a cover for) He's tired of changing out wet towels when he forgets to put the cover on so he suggested just donating it and they would tow it for free. I called our tax person and asked her what her opinion was and he said with the tax bracket we're in, we'd only get about $25-$30 for it so if we can get more then that it would be worth it. So now I'm trying to look into cash for car places and that's making my head spin.
Tim has put time $ money into it and I'm sure if we can get something for the parts I'd feel better. He was listing all the new parts it had like timing belt, spark plugs, ignition wires, control arms in front suspension, front tires, gold quality breaks front and back. That in itself should be good for a junk yard to re-sell.
But I have to come to terms that I won't have the luxury of being about to make appointments, go grocery shopping, take the boys ANYWHERE during the day without having to drive Tim to work. (which is an.....
Annnnd I never finished writing this ha!

(Note: I read my aunt's status saying she was canning chicken, and part of that is to prepare for JPJ's 'perfect storm'. So I'm thinking that could have A LOT to do with that) But I still woke up and wanted to go to my parents basement and literally clear it out haha