Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bear Hands

1 Samuel 17:34-37 (The Message)

34-37 David said, "I've been a shepherd, tending sheep for my father. Whenever a lion or bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I'd go after it, knock it down, and rescue the lamb. If it turned on me, I'd grab it by the throat, wring its neck, and kill it. Lion or bear, it made no difference—I killed it. And I'll do the same to this Philistine pig who is taunting the troops of God-Alive. God, who delivered me from the teeth of the lion and the claws of the bear, will deliver me from this Philistine."

Evan & I do this thing where we put a blanket over our heads and tell stories to each other. When it's my turn I usually use it to tell bible stories in my own words and the cool thing is that usually he'll tell the same story back to me once he hears it so I know he's really listening.
So today Tim joined us and Evan went first. He told us about Jesus and the storm and how he told it to go away. Next it was my turn. I began telling the story of David.

It went kind of like this:

Me: "There was a boy named David and he used to hang out in the fields with the sheep. His job was to protect and keep them safe from wild animals. (I would stress words to make the story more exciting haha) He would play his harp which is an instrument that goes like this: *ding, bling, bling, ding*

Tim: "But much better sounding" haha

Me: "Yea much prettier then what I just did :) One day when David was keeping an eye out for lions or bears so they wouldn't eat the sheep he saw one!! It was a...

Evan: "umm a BEAR!"

Me: "yea a bear was coming to eat the sheep! David said "oh crap"** (yea, I say that around my kids) David needed God's help. So he asked God to help him. Jesus gave him power and strength to kill it with his bare hands!

Evan: "umm - wait...I didn't know Jesus has Bear Hands!?!??"

That was as far as the story got because me and Tim laughed for a good 10 mins.
Near crying laughter.
So Evan thought Jesus had bear hands and gave them to David to use to fight the bear...haha

Tim: "I think we should clarify this all, Evan's going to think Jesus has bear hands. Evan, bare hands is when you have empty hands, with no weapons in them. That's called bare hands"

Evan: "I don't have weapons in my hands"

Tim: "so you have bare hands, you have empty hands"

Evan" You don't have weapons in your hands"

Tim: "so I have bare hands, nothing in them"

I guess next time I tell a story I should think about the way I word things, the context of what we're talking about and what phrases a 3 year old knows.
...Orrrr I could just keep telling my stories without thinking and see what else comes out of them! :)

Bear Hands haha Bare Hands
yes I'm still laughing

**oh yea and I know David didn't say 'oh crap' but I'm almost positive that the first time he ever killed a bear or lion he had at least a little fear. I think that's human nature.


Anonymous said...

Great storytelling. You all add your own tidbits. Keep doing it your way. Love the "bear hands."
David probably had the strength of a bear when he asked for God's help. hahaha Evan's excellent!
Great way to spend Saturday afternoon. Snuggling, story time, love and laughter. What a fun family time. <3 you all. MamaDonna

Anonymous said...

Cindy Campbell, Donna L. Fowler and Jennifer Koabel like this.

Jennifer Koabel This is great!
February 5 at 2:47pm · Like

Donna L. Fowler hahaha Love it!
February 5 at 4:32pm · Like