knap·sack (n
) - A bag made of sturdy material and furnished with shoulder straps, designed for carrying articles such as camping supplies on the back.
a small bag for food, clothes etc slung on the back.
Word History
- Date of Origin 17th c.The -sack of knapsack is no doubt essentially the same word asEnglish sack, but the knap- presents slightly more of a problem. Theterm was borrowed from Low German knappsack, and so probablyknapp- represents Low German knappen ‘eat’ – the bag having originally been named because it carried a traveller’s supply of food.
A prophetic word/life reading I got from my pastor, Tom:
God's funny. He shows me really strange things sometimes and it takes me a second to understand what does that mean and so Candice I look at you there's like a golden knapsack that's on your back - there's a golden knapsack haha on your back & it's packed, it's full. So what I think this means is this is for you personally. This isn't Candice the wife, this isn't Candice the mother, This is just Candice. This isn't Candice the daughter - all wonderful things, all things you do extraordinarily well. But I think there's, there is a journey for you to go on that would be represented by a knapsack. So if you have a knapsack you're gonna go on a journey, you're probably not going to travel the world right? This is probably a short journey. But There's a journey that God has for you to go on. I think that's part of what the golden means. This is for you and Him. This is for you as the daughter of the king. This is for you and your heavenly father. And there are precious things that you'll experience in the coming year as you just walk with Him. And I think that oh boy I know your free time is almost non existent but if there are times that you can just walk with God, you and Him can just walk together I think He's going to speak to you in ways that you're gonna find that are precious and these will be things that you'll carry with you the rest of your life. The knapsack that I see on you, the golden part of it, it's like it gets absorbed into you. So I would encourage you,I would really encourage you because I think it'll be very valuable to you - the times that you can just be with Him, He's going to speak to you in a way - it's gonna be communication from Him to you - stuff that's gonna go deep inside & it'll be with you always. So be blessed my friend. It'll be a good thing.
Title: Insights for 2011
Speaker: Tom Zawacki
Date 12/26/10
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