However, the past few days I've been printing out a daily checklist broken up in increments of 15 mins and so's been helping me get things done around here.
When I focus on one thing I tend to neglect other things. I definitely need balance in my life.
I'm working on it though. Taking one day at a time.
I want to continue to grow closer and more intimate with God. I want to hear Him and walk out His will for my life. (even the little things)
I want to continue to be the most supportive wife I can be.
I want to continue to be the most loving mom I can be.
I want to get the surface things in order but I want the deeper stuff just as much and I need to re-focus a bit.
I know when I get my priorities straight, everything runs a lot smoother - not perfect - just better.
It's another one of those "I know what I need to do and how to do it.... I just have to do it!"
But here is what I accomplished today...
